Frequently Asked Questions
How do I join Rothley Ivanhoe Tennis Club ?
If you are a new member you join via this web site, complete the form (registering if you need to) and provide us with your details. You will then be provided with details of how to pay by BACS or by Direct Debit in instalments (if joining by 7th April). Once you pay we will be in touch with you to encourage you to get on the courts and link you with relevant key contacts at the club.
If you are re-joining then all adults will receive a link to go into ClubSpark (registering if needed) and are asked to check and confirm their details and request renewal. Details of how to pay by BACS or by Direct Debit will then be provided.
Why are you asking members to register themselves?
We have moved to having more of our processes online like many organisations. Now we have all our records on the LTA’s ClubSpark system it makes sense for everyone to check their own records on an annual basis as they apply to join. This also means that when people join they are able to book courts without having to go through a separate registration process. LTA members are also able to apply for Wimbledon tickets and access discounts available at the LTA online Shop.
Do I have to pay by BACS if I pay in full?
Our preference is for you to pay by BACS but if you wish to pay by cheque we can accommodate that. Please contact the Treasurer Debbie Williams (
What if I am struggling with using the system?
Get in touch and we can help. Please email:
Do my children need to join if they attend GSM group coaching?
If your children attend the GSM group coaching then their club membership for the period they are attending coaching is covered by the coaching fees and your child or children do not need to join directly. Please contact us if your children drop out of coaching sessions and wish to continue playing.
How do I let you know that I am paying for more than one person?
If you have two or more people in your household, each person will now need to be registered or, if a junior, linked to a registered person. Please can each adult check their own membership and register juniors if required. However, if you wish to pay in one payment then you can do this but please make it clear on the payment reference (and email Debbie Williams ( if this may not be clear enough).
New Members - contact us at - online membership coming soon
Existing Members - look out for an email and invitation to join for 2024/25 in late February.